Институт теоретической физики им. Л.Д. Ландау РАН
L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS
International conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of I. M. Khalatnikov
"Quantum Fluids, Quantum Field Theory, and Gravity"

October, 17-20, 2019 Chernogolovka, Russia

The Bethe ansatz equations and integrable systems of particles
Date/Time: 09:40 18-Oct-2019
A family of commuting flows on the space of solutions of the Bethe ansatz equations of the $\widehat{\frak{sl}_N}$ XXX quantum integrable model, associated with the trivial representation of $\widehat{\frak{sl}_N}$ is constructed. The  family  is identified  with the flows of $N$-tuple of coherent rational  Ruijesenaars-Schneider systems. For that we develop in full generality the spectral transform for the rational  Ruijesenaars-Schneider system.

Krichever Igor M. (Presenter)
(no additional information)

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