Expansion of the strongly interacting superfluid Fermi gas: symmetry and self-similar regimes
Date/Time: 15:10 20-Oct-2019
We consider an expansion of the strongly interacting superfluid Fermi gas in the vacuum in the so-called unitary regime when the chemical potential $\mu \propto \hbar^2n^{2/3}/m$ where $n$ is the density of the Bose-Einstein condensate of Cooper pairs of fermionic atoms. Such expansion can be described in the framework of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) [1]. Because of the chemical potential dependence on the density $\sim n^{2/3}$ the GPE has additional symmetries resulting in existence of the virial theorem connected the mean size of the gas cloud and its Hamiltonian. It leads asymptotically at $t\to\infty$ to the ballistic expansion of the gas. We carefully study such asymptotics and reveal a perfect matching between the quasi-classical self-similar solution and the ballistic expansion of the non-interacting gas [2]. This matching is governed by the virial theorem derived in [3] utilizing the Talanov transformation [4] which was first obtained for the stationary self-focusing of light in the media with cubic nonlinearity due to the Kerr effect. In the quasi-classical limit the equations of motion coincide with 3D hydrodynamics for the perfect gas with $\gamma=5/3$ which, as it was demonstrated by S.I. Anisimov and Yu.I. Lysikov [5], have additional symmetry. Just this symmetry provides one to find self-similar solution which describes,
on the background of the gas expansion, the angular deformations of the gas shape in the framework of the Ermakov-Ray-Reid type system.
The work of E.K. was performed under support of the Russian Science Foundation (grant 19-72-30028).
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{\bf References}
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Kuznetsov Evgenii A.

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